April Showers...

April showers do bring May flowers.  Just recently it seems in central Indiana that everything has begun blooming.  My garden has taken off and soon I will start transplanting and planting more warm season veggies.  The grass is green, leaves are on all the trees and spring has sprung.  Love it!
This is my hoop house over the raised beds.  I took the plastic off when it started to warm up but these carrots, lettuce, kale and turnips were planted in the winter and ready to harvest soon!

This past weekend for Mother's Day, we had our traditional trip to Turkey Run State Park.  It's just a couple hours away and a place that I've gone to since I was a little kid.  Caves, hills, hiking, canoeing and lots of trails with stairs, steps and anything else to make your legs feel like they weigh 50 lbs each.  But it sure is beautiful.   Take a look at some of these pics I took with my Hipstamatic app!

The Icebox is my favorite.  You can feel the temperature drop as you walk further down. That's my niece to the side racing down to see me. 

My nephew checking out the waterfall in the Punch Bowl, another cool place!

This week I also started working on a new tablerunner that is a "stack and slash" type pattern.  I've never tried this and hoping it turns out ok!  It's a cute picnic themed fabric bundle that my mom found in Gatlinburg, TN.


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